About FarWay

Farway is the most reliable and trustworthy company for immigration and visa assistance. We assist people, businesses, families, and enterprises in obtaining immigration and non-immigrant visas. Farway is open and honest about how we perform our business so that our clients may trust us. Our objectives are to provide detailed, individualized information, reply fast, and share what we know.

We provide the relevant and required information or guidance for immigration and visa application in order to assist a huge number of individuals. We take pleasure in providing our clients with accurate information in the most efficient manner possible.


About FarWay

Farway is the most reliable and trustworthy company for immigration and visa assistance. We assist people, businesses, families, and enterprises in obtaining immigration and non-immigrant visas. Farway is open and honest about how we perform our business so that our clients may trust us. Our objectives are to provide detailed, individualized information, reply fast, and share what we know.

We provide the relevant and required information or guidance for immigration and visa application in order to assist a huge number of individuals. We take pleasure in providing our clients with accurate information in the most efficient manner possible.

We give 100% transparency with our standard operating procedure and comply fully with the government’s rules and regulations. We do not have any integration with government authorities. We are independent relocation and immigration consultants.

Our experience and your desire make our organization unique and continue to entitle and inspire individuals or families to move to other countries. We always appreciate our employees’ contributions, who are working from the root level to fulfill your dream with expertise.

We provide OCI cards, FRRO Exit Permit, FRRO visa extension and Passport Application information.

Up until now, we have offered reliable assistance to many people across the country. We make our pillars strong with continuous hard work and up-to-date knowledge. 

Our prime importance is to show professionalism while dealing with our clients to ensure the best quality services.

 We value our clients, and our clients also value us because we build trusting relationships with them.

The OCI Card is a multiple-entry, life-long visa that enables the holder to have unlimited travel and continue to stay in India.
An exit permit is a permit for any Indian visa holder who wants to leave India in case of Overstay. Foreign national who overstay in India, any Indian national who surrenders their Indian passport, or foreign national who has newborn babies also needs to apply for an exit permit.
A stay visa is granted by FRRO to extend your visa after the allotted time period.
All three services that we are providing require great knowledge. By adhering to all the government’s rules and regulations, we assure that everything will fall into place. Also, we provide relocation information with all the legal and financial details that you need.

Remarkable Indian Visa Consultancy With An Experienced Team

Farway gives their consultancy with an experienced team.


Following Steps Applying FRRO Services

It is imperative that you take the time to follow these procedures in order to ensure that your application for FRRO (Foreigners Regional Registration Office) services goes as smoothly as possible.

Step 1

Required Online Form

Farway will help you to fill up all your required forms when you apply for FRRO services.

Step 2

Submit All Your Legal Documents

Farway will also guide you to submit all your legal documents over the FRRO portal that need to be submitted.

Step 3

Get Ready For FRRO Updates

Keep yourself updated through our expert advice and information.

Free Advice And Countless Benefits
Choosing Farway as your trusted partner can bring you numerous benefits and invaluable assistance when it comes to visa and immigration matters. Farway is known for offering free advice to clients, ensuring that you receive expert guidance without any financial burden.

Trusted By Many

Farway has a team of experienced consultants who have helped thousands of people with visa and immigration matters.

Required Documents Support

Sometimes it is difficult for the student or people which document is required and when. Farway will help you to manage that.